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10 Things We Want To See In Ben Affleck’s The Batman

The DC Extended Universe has many exciting projects in the pipeline – from next year’s Wonder Woman and Justice League to touted movies we don’t know much about yet like Green Lantern Corps. One of those that's most exciting the fans, though, is The Batman – the upcoming solo Dark Knight movie starring, written and directed by Ben Affleck.

1) A Tight, Well-Told Storyline

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While loads of villains, multiple sidekicks and whatnot would be a lot of fun, the main thing we want from The Batman is pretty simple: a good story.

This is harder than it sounds, though. After both Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad, it’s clear that the DCEU has a big problem with streamlining its films and focussing on its storytelling. BvS put a gloomy mood, strong visuals and a big build-up to the titular fight above everything else which meant that, for the most part, it was a meandering, muddled movie. Suicide Squad, on the other hand, was so caught up with being fast-paced and fun that the narrative was edited down to near extinction – with only the mangled bones of a clear plot remaining.

We don’t want that mistake repeated for The Batman. If Affleck and his team can deliver a tight, engaging film that manages to allude to a wider universe as well as telling its own complete story, then they’ll be onto a winner.