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10 Villains We Need To See In Ben Affleck’s Batman Trilogy

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Ben Affleck will direct a solo Batman movie. Here, we take a look at the ten villains who should feature in that.

8) Poison Ivy

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One thing all of the Batman movies – and arguably superhero releases in general – have been lacking are strong female characters, and specifically, strong female villains.

Uma Therman’s Poison Ivy is better off forgotten along with everything and everyone else involved with Batman and Robin, but the character is one who definitely has the potential to be great on the big screen. For starters, just imagine how amazing it would be to see her take over Gotham City with plant life using today’s special effects; Batman’s home could quite literally be transformed into some sort of living jungle!

Visuals aside, and Ivy’s desire to protect and nurture nature is arguably more relevant in today’s world than ever before. Without getting too preachy, this movie could actually deliver a strong message in that respect, something a filmmaker like Ben Affleck is most definitely capable of achieving.

Poison Ivy isn’t really a character with one definitive story arc this movie could borrow from, but it would actually be pretty cool to this become that. She’s someone who deserves to be done right on the big screen, and handled the right way, she could easily outshine Batman’s other foes.