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10 Ways That Rogue One Could Change Star Wars Forever

The first trailer for the latest Star Wars adventure, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, dropped recently, fuelling the next round of speculation, rumor and anticipation. Star Wars fanatics and those new to the saga alike are getting ready for another exciting entry into the galaxy far, far away, and as many people have acknowledged already, this Star Wars film will be strikingly different from its predecessors.

1) No Skywalker’s Allowed

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10 Ways Rogue One Could Change Star Wars Forever

Admittedly, this is a slightly inaccurate title, because Darth Vader is rumored to make an appearance in Rogue One. But as the first movie not prominently featuring a member of Star Wars’ preeminent family, the first Anthology outing diverges sharply from the established films.

This lack of Skywalker – what Edwards calls a “no Jedi” film – unbinds his storytelling hands. He and his screenwriters won’t have to worry about injecting mysticism into the proceedings, just getting the spirit of the rebellion right. His Force-light film also means, at least at this point, no Deus Ex Machina. As Edwards told fans at last year’s Star Wars Celebration, “[Rogue One is] about the fact that God’s not coming to save us, and we’re on our own.All bets are off.


However, without the constraints of the Force-hero archetype, other directors tackling Anthology films are free to explore those smaller yet infinitely fascinating cogs within the Star Wars universe – the very things which attracted fans to the franchise in the first place.

Sure, the world may not ready for a Gonk droid movie, but we wouldn’t mind if it showed up as scenery in a Rogue Squadron one-off. And the mere possibility of a certain green-armored bounty hunter standalone is enough to give a legions of fanatics wet dreams.

After Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, all of this is possible and the franchise can now truly become the cinematic universe it already is in our minds.