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The 10 Weirdest Things That Shia LaBeouf Has Ever Done

You might know Shia LaBeouf from those Michael Bay robot movies (admit it, you’ve seen them), or some of the other countless big Hollywood blockbusters he’s been in. And there’s no shame in that, he’s a fantastic actor. The guy’s got a lot of talent, it’s just a matter of how he chooses to use it.

7) Stare Down A Motorcyclist In Traffic

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This might’ve taken place in the past and be entirely unconnected to the other events on this list, but it’s definitely weird nonetheless.

In mid-2013, a Californian motorcyclist was in for a surprise (to say the least) when a black pickup truck pulled up next to his bike. Standing at the red light, the biker turned his head right to see the one and only Shia LaBeouf menacingly staring straight into his eyes. Straight into his soul. Luckily, he managed to take off before any serious internal damage was done.

The biker later posted the footage from his helmet cam to YouTube, and the video is now standing at over 7 million views. He then made another video shining a little more light as to why Shia had been so taken by him. But no one can really know that, can they?