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The 10 Weirdest Things That Shia LaBeouf Has Ever Done

You might know Shia LaBeouf from those Michael Bay robot movies (admit it, you’ve seen them), or some of the other countless big Hollywood blockbusters he’s been in. And there’s no shame in that, he’s a fantastic actor. The guy’s got a lot of talent, it’s just a matter of how he chooses to use it.

6) Audition For Nymphomaniac

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Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac was undoubtedly a strange occurrence just on its own. Definitely a bit too weird for me, but then again, it made decent money at the box office and earned solid reviews, so there was definitely an audience for it.

What I can’t understand though is Shia’s audition for the film. For those who don’t know, apparently the actor took pictures of his equipment and recorded himself having sex with his girlfriend, and then sent them to Lars. And presto — the role was his.

Or maybe I’m just not fully aware of how Hollywood really works?