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The 10 Weirdest Things That Shia LaBeouf Has Ever Done

You might know Shia LaBeouf from those Michael Bay robot movies (admit it, you’ve seen them), or some of the other countless big Hollywood blockbusters he’s been in. And there’s no shame in that, he’s a fantastic actor. The guy’s got a lot of talent, it’s just a matter of how he chooses to use it.

5) Wearing A Paper Bag Over His Head At The Nymphomaniac Premiere

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The first time we saw Shia wearing his now-infamous “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” paper bag over his head was on the red carpet at the Berlin Film Festival, where he was premiering the aforementioned Nymphomaniac.

This came as a shock to everyone, exceeding even Lady Gaga’s weird attire choices. Why did Shia put a bag over his head, exactly? I honestly have no idea. But it was enough the make news headlines around the word. So that’s a win, I guess?

The act was not just limited to the costume, either. When an interviewer tried to ask Shia about it, the actor simply answered, “I’m a bag. Ask me a bag question.”

Now that’s what I would call method acting. Speaking of which….