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6 Moments From The Dark Knight That Prove It’s The Greatest Of All-Time

Ten years. It's been 10 years since Christopher Nolan erased the stigma that comic book movies are strictly for kids with the release of The Dark Knight. His nuanced Batman crime drama – which also served as a subliminal tribute to Michael Mann's Heat – defied all expectations as it became the new standard bearer for superhero affairs. Plus, it helped that it was a bloody good movie, regardless of its genre or assumed target audience.

The Interrogation Scene

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Despite it not having the action of the rest of the movie, the interrogation scene between Batman and Joker remains the peak of excellence in the film. It captured why these two nemeses are doomed to do this dance of death forever, and how they need each other to survive. It channeled The Killing Joke‘s influence but brought its own version as the Joker forced the Caped Crusader into a twisted game of eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

Nolan confessed to The Los Angeles Times’ Hero Complex that it’s his favorite – and most vital – scene, too, saying:

“The scene that is so important and so central to me is the interrogation scene between Batman and the Joker in the film. When we were writing the script, that was always one of the central set pieces that we wanted to crack.

“We wanted it to be the point at which Batman is truly tested by the Joker and you see that the Joker is truly capable of getting under everybody’s skin. I’m realizing this now about that scene — I haven’t thought this through before — the synthesis of all the different elements that I’m most interested in within filmmaking all come in that scene.”