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11 Directors Who Need To Helm A Marvel Or DC Movie

Due to the increasing success of superhero films, more and more critically acclaimed directors are flocking to make movies about people in capes and tights, when just ten to fifteen years ago such a move might have meant career suicide.

7) J.J. Abrams

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After 2009’s Star Trek and last year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams is now known as the guy who brings back sci-fi movie franchises bigger than ever. With DC currently struggling to win over critics and crowds, then, we suggest that they turn to Abrams for an upcoming movie.

With his experience at handling expansive cosmic films starring teams of heroes, Abrams would be a natural fit for the Green Lantern reboot, Green Lantern Corps, which is currently scheduled for 2020. Alternatively, give him Man of Steel 2 (as we have suggested before). After all, he did write the script for the ultimately unmade Superman: Flyby back in the early 2000s.