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11 Directors Who Need To Helm A Marvel Or DC Movie

Due to the increasing success of superhero films, more and more critically acclaimed directors are flocking to make movies about people in capes and tights, when just ten to fifteen years ago such a move might have meant career suicide.

3) Drew Goddard

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A couple of years ago, The Cabin the Woods director and frequent Joss Whedon collaborator Drew Goddard looked set to make a big impact on the superhero world. After writing the pilot for Netflix’s Daredevil, he bowed out of the rest of the series to direct the long-touted Venom spinoff movie. Unfortunately, with the death of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, that didn’t come to pass.

However, apparently the project is still on the slate at Sony, just as a standalone. Hopefully, they will come to their senses and decide that a movie about Spider-Man’s nemesis without Spider-Man is a dumb idea and give the character to Marvel. If that ends up happening, we think Goddard should go with the project and make the movie for the MCU.