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15 Actors Who Broke Out In Big Budget Films

Zack Snyder's Man of Steel boasts an interesting cast -- it features Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and, perhaps most importantly, Michael Shannon as General Zod. We know those people will all pull off magnificent performances, so I'm not really worried about them. The big question mark is none other than Supes himself -- Henry Cavill.

[h2]12) Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone[/h2]


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The problem with Daniel Radcliffe is that he’ll undoubtedly always be Harry Potter, much like Rupert Grint, who will never shake off the Ron Weasley vibe. Yet he keeps on getting hired despite being a victim of typecasting… because he’s a decent actor. Is that so hard to believe? Why, yes, actually. For a while, it seemed he could only play the part that made him famous and therefore unable to buy groceries in public, but when producers gave him a chance to tackle other roles, it turned out he wasn’t half-bad after all. Sure, we still expect to spot the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead under a certain light, albeit that doesn’t hurt his craft.

As long as audiences manage to suspend their disbelief, Daniel Radcliffe will continue to succeed. Maybe someday he won’t be thought of as The Boy Who Lived anymore. Perhaps someday he’ll join a new film franchise, play an entirely different character, and before long, the name Harry Potter will no longer be associated with him. Perchance further down the road he’ll be cast in a role that finally unveils his raw talent, and before long, people will no longer associate him with everyone’s favorite wizard. Fine, that probably won’t happen. It’s just wishful thinking.

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