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20 Great Movie Moments From 2012

I have spent the last two weeks reminiscing on the best and worst of 2012 in film, starting with my Top 10 Films of 2012 and Runner-Up lists, continuing with the Top 10 Film Scores of 2012, going in another direction with the 10 Worst Films of 2012, and sharing, over on my personal blog, The Top 10 TV Shows of 2012.

The Plane Crash

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from Flight

This is actually one of two great plane crash sequences this year; The Grey also featured a phenomenal crash scene, but where that moment focused on the point-of-view of being in a crash, Robert Zemeckis’ Flight is all about the process of operating a failing aircraft, and trying desperately to prevent loss of life. The sequence is immaculately detailed and paced, equal parts exciting and fascinating, and though it is brought to life by spectacular effects and taut, sharp direction, it is Denzel Washington’s exquisite performance that grounds the sequence and propels it to greatness. Between Flight and Cast Away, it may just be Zemeckis’ mission in life to scare us all away from air travel, a career goal I am perfectly fine with so long as he keeps up the amazing work.

Ottway’s Shouting Match With God

from The Grey

I believe Joe Carnahan’s The Grey to be one of 2012’s very best films, and much of that is due to the film’s fearless exploration of faith – or, more accurately, the illusion of faith. I do not believe in God, and I feel this way for the same reasons Ottway, the main character played by Liam Neeson, eventually comes to over the course of his terrible, harrowing journey. After experiencing so much suffering and such tremendous isolation, Ottway, near the end of the film, finally looks up to the heavens and asks for God’s help in 2012’s most stirring moment of dialogue and delivery:

“Do something! Come on, prove it! F*** faith; earn it! Show me something real! I need it now, not later! NOW! Show me and I’ll believe in you until the day I die! I swear. I’m calling on you! I’m calling on you!”

But there is, of course, no answer. This is such a powerfully raw, genuine, and honest moment, a plea that many will understand and relate to intensely. Most American movies are simply petrified of dealing with a moment such as this, but The Grey attacks the idea full force, with clear and powerful execution.

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