Superhero movies may be dominating cinemas these days, but regardless of whether you’d rather watch films from that genre or a low budget indie, we live in an age where there’s something on offer for everyone (and if you love remakes, this really is the era for you). The point is, the film industry is going strong, and there are a lot of truly incredible looking releases on the way both in 2016 and over the next few years.
With so many movies being released on a weekly basis though comes a wealth of new and familiar talent, some of whom garner awards attention and others who impress in a very different way. Regardless of which category today’s biggest stars fall into, ensemble casts are becoming increasingly more and more impressive as a result.
[zergpaid]Of course, whoever you’re a fan of and whatever kind of movies you may gravitate towards, it’s fair to say that we’ve all at least once chosen to watch one – whether it’s in the cinema or the latest release to hit Netflix – solely with the purpose of checking out the eye candy on offer.
Make no mistake about it, every actor and actress listed here is immensely talented, but they’re all also great to look at. These are quite simply the hottest stars currently dominating the big screen, and if you’re not up to date with the movies they’ve recently starred in or have lined up, that’s likely to change after you take a look through this article…