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5 characters perfect for Tommy Wiseau to play in James Gunn’s DCU

DC's has a treasure trove of oddball characters which Wiseau could cameo as.

Tommy Wiseau
Image via Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images

To say Tommy Wiseau is a bit of a character would be an understatement, with the actor and director springing up seemingly out of nowhere with his debut feature film The Room, equally praised and reviled as one of the best bad movies of all time. 

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For someone who has reached celebrity status, Wiseau is surprisingly enigmatic, with most of the details around his personal life subject to speculation. The most anyone can glean about the man generally stems from the biographical comedy-drama The Disaster Artist, in which James Franco played the role of Wiseau.

Following the reveal of James Gunn’s slate for the refreshed DC Universe, Wiseau cryptically replied to Gunn’s Twitter video, simply saying – ‘DM me’. As the (per his Twitter bio) actor and fashion designer later pointed out, Gunn appears to have liked his Tweet. While many consider the prospect of Wiseau in the DC Universe to be a bit of a joke, perhaps it isn’t all that far-fetched for it to actually happen. 

Granted, we think there is a higher likelihood that pigs will take flight before Wiseau lands himself a major role in one of Gunn’s many upcoming DC projects, but that said, here are a few ideas around some smaller roles that Wiseau could take on in the DC Universe.

A Joker goon

Photo via Warner Bros.

We’re all familiar with Wiseau’s hilarious Nerdist audition tape to be DC’s next Joker. While the costume and makeup were surprisingly on-point, Wiseau’s delivery was… well, Wiseau-ish. With actors like Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix setting an extremely high bar for the most popular Batman villain, we don’t think Wiseau could ever be a serious contender for the Joker. That said, Wiseau could have a small role as one of Joker’s goons, perhaps even an impostor or stand-in while the clown prince of crime is serving a stint in Arkham asylum.

Leezle Pon, Ch’p, or Mogo

Or any of the quirkier Green Lanterns, for that matter. Mogo may be a stretch, but if we’re going for a more comic approach, why the heck not. Any of these three characters could potentially benefit from some Wiseau-ism, if we’re thinking along the vein of the humor seen in Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. The prospect of hearing Wiseau’s unmistakable accent and deadpan delivery from a squirrel, a virus on a petri dish, or even a whole planet is certainly a believable source of comic relief, depending on how ‘quippy’ Lanterns will end up being.


Forgive us for being crass, but it would be pretty hilarious to see Wiseau donning blue spandex with a literal crotch rocket strapped to him. It’s a bit of a no-brainer, really: Wiseau’s catchphrase for the character has existed since The Room debuted. Codpiece will quip “how’s your sex life?” before firing a blast at a hero, only to mercifully be incapacitated shortly afterwards, because he could only ever be a minor villain here. It’s not an entirely ludicrous prospect, given some of the more heinous supes we saw in The Suicide Squad.