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4 Comic Book Movies That Had Huge Plot Holes

Everyone knows that comic book movies are the pinnacle of logical storytelling, but even these tales of masked crime fighters, diabolical villains and talking raccoons occasionally fall victim to that most dreaded of pitfalls... the plot hole. These can range from illogical events to impossible occurrences that contradict events from earlier in the overall storyline.

4) Man of Steel – Zod Wants To Become Powerless

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Zack Snyder’s first crack at DC’s premier superhero was one of the most divisive comic book movies ever released. For every fan who championed the grittier tone of this reboot, others felt that the wanton destruction of Metropolis and that ending were out of character for Superman, who is the pinnacle of truth and justice. However you felt about Man of Steel though, there’s one gaping plot hole in particular which completely unravels the villain’s motivation and therefore the plot of the entire film.

General Zod’s goal upon reaching the planet Earth involved terraforming the planet, transforming the Earth into another Krypton, because he didn’t want to “suffer years of pain adapting to its atmosphere.” This would make sense, except that Superman arrived on Earth as a baby and appeared to suffer no health problems whatsoever. In fact, the opposite was true. Clark would grow up never experiencing ill and eventually become the most powerful person on the planet.

Admittedly, Zod may not have been aware of this, but surely he could see that Superman wasn’t suffering any ill effects from his time spent being raised on the planet Earth.

These megalomaniacs sure do have a habit of jumping to conclusions rather quickly, don’t they?