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4 Comic Book Movies That Had Huge Plot Holes

Everyone knows that comic book movies are the pinnacle of logical storytelling, but even these tales of masked crime fighters, diabolical villains and talking raccoons occasionally fall victim to that most dreaded of pitfalls... the plot hole. These can range from illogical events to impossible occurrences that contradict events from earlier in the overall storyline.

1) X-Men: Days of Future Past – The Unluckiest Man Alive

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X-Men: Days of Future Past was one hell of an impressive movie. Not only did Bryan Singer’s latest effort draw in the crowds, satisfying critics and comic book fans alike, but it also managed to clean up the messed up continuity of the previous six films, creating a fresh slate for future movies to work with. Inevitably though, a few ‘errrrrr’ moments still slipped through the gaps…

After watching the now infamous and not to mention kickass Quicksilver fight scene, many audiences questioned why the team didn’t just bring Pietro along with them everywhere? In the final confrontation, Quicksilver could have knocked everyone unconscious before they even had a chance to blink or comically say “whaaaaaaat?” in slow motion. That wasn’t the only plot inconsistency, though.

How did Kitty Pryde magically develop time travel powers which no one felt the need to question or explain? In the comics, most of the team develop secondary mutations at one time or another, granting them new abilities so… One line. That’s all they needed to explain Pryde’s new found gift, but no. In a movie chock full of a billion characters, there seemingly wasn’t enough time to address this.

However, one gaping plot hole that loomed larger than all of the others combined was the fate of Professor Xavier. During X-Men: The Last Stand, the Phoenix destroyed Charles, literally breaking him down into the smallest pieces (seen in the video below), yet a few movies later, Professor Xavier returns unharmed. The weirdest thing about this though is that no one mentions it.

“Hey Charles! Do you remember that time you died? How did that work out for you?” It’s as if the writers had been forced to bring Patrick Stewart back into the franchise, but were too embarrassed to remind audiences that they had killed off him in the most stupid way possible in the first place.

Now, technically, there could be an explanation for this. In a post-credits scene, Xavier’s friend Moira McTaggart works with a coma patient who suddenly speaks her name using Stewart’s voice. The implication here is that Xavier transferred his consciousness to the mind of this comatose man seconds prior to his death… which is all fine and dandy, except, was this a clone? Or a twin brother? And if so, wouldn’t Xavier be able to walk again?

The only explanation that kind of works would be if this Xavier was ridiculously unlucky and somehow suffered yet another accident that robbed him of the use of his legs. Yep. Another one. Even Cyclops isn’t that unlucky in the movies, and no one even seemed to give a shit when he died in The Last Stand.