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5 Movies To See In December

December is here, the year is coming to an end, and most importantly, this is the last chance for studios to release their 2013 award-contenders. December always means a ton of great movies hit theaters, and this year is no different, meaning you’ll probably want to spend every second possible watching as many movies as you can.

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December is here, the year is coming to an end, and most importantly, this is the last chance for studios to release their 2013 award-contenders. December always means that a ton of great movies hit theaters, and this year is no different, meaning you’ll probably want to spend every second possible watching as many movies as you can.

With that said, it probably isn’t realistic for you to spend every day at your local theater watching every single release in hopes of finding the best ones. You likely have a job, and other life commitments besides movies, so you’re faced with the daunting task of deciding which films are worth your time and money this month.

In order to help you make up your mind, I’ve put together this list of five must-see films releasing over the course of December. It’s an especially good month this year and I had a lot of trouble cutting the list down to just five, but I think the picks that I’ve chosen will likely please most of you.