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5 Movies To See In December

December is here, the year is coming to an end, and most importantly, this is the last chance for studios to release their 2013 award-contenders. December always means a ton of great movies hit theaters, and this year is no different, meaning you’ll probably want to spend every second possible watching as many movies as you can.

Inside Llewyn Davis

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Inside Llewyn Davis

People are really excited for Inside Llewyn Davis for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s a Coen brothers film, so you should probably be sold right there. Also, critics have been raving about it since it appeared on the festival circuit a few months back, with the film currently holding down a 93% Tomatometer score. Plus, the cast is phenomenal. What more could you want?

Oscar Isaac is a talented actor, that’s no secret, but he’s yet to have a lead role where he can really showcase what he’s capable of. From early reports, Inside Llewyn Davis gives him that chance. There has even been some talk of some awards potentially headed his way.

Then there’s Carey Mulligan, who I’m willing to watch in absolutely anything. Her scenes with Isaac in Drive were excellent and I’m excited to see the duo working together again here.