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5 Movies To See In July

July is upon us and the summer blockbuster season is in full swing, which means there are a ton of great movies hitting theaters. From a monster vs. robots showdown to another beloved superhero seeking his cinematic redemption, this month is going to be yet another where you may wish you could spend the entire time in the theater.

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Pacific Rim

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The response to the trailers for Pacific Rim has been rather polarized, with some saying the film looks awesome and some saying it looks a bit too Transformersy, but that doesn’t change the fact this has been one of my most anticipated films of the year from the start, and I cannot wait for it.

Guillermo del Toro is one of the most exciting directors working today, and there’s one thing he’s more exciting with than anything else: monsters. Needless to say, seeing what he has planned for his monsters vs. robots sci-fi action epic is something you should be very, very excited about. Del Toro has had his ups and his downs lately, but this is a film that he’s been working on for a long time and has likely been planning for longer than most of us can imagine.

The cast is as awesome as possible, too. Idris Elba has become a huge fan favorite lately, with his name creeping onto almost every dream casting list. This looks like a great role for him and should push him even closer to the A-list. I’m also eager to seeĀ Charlie Day in the film. He’s one of the best comedic actors on TV, so any chance to see him in a feature film is one you should jump at.

From top to bottom this cast is full of great actors, so even if you aren’t interested in the story, you’ll at least be treated to some solid performances.

There’s already been serious talks of a sequel too, so it seems like most of the people involved are very confident that this film is actually going to be as good as we hope. All the more reason you should make sure to see it.