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5 Reasons That Deadpool Might Just Revive Ryan Reynolds’ Career

After starring in 2011’s critically lambasted Green Lantern movie and portraying a very much PG-13 version of Wade Wilson and later Weapon XI in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds looks poised to break out of his superhero funk and bring life back to his career with this iteration of Deadpool.

5) The New Red Band Trailer Puts Our Fears To Rest

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Ryan Reynolds IS Deadpool, and the new trailer confirms all of our hopes and dreams for the character and what he can be (and will be thanks to that R-rating). He’s mouthy, sarcastic, violent and unflinching when dispatching his enemies, and he breaks down that fourth wall by talking directly to the audience and drawing us right into the action.

Make no mistake – this movie would not have been made if it didn’t get an R rating, which is incredibly rare for a studio to do, especially for a comic book character property. Deadpool is an R-rated character though, and we’ve all seen what happens when you try to make him PG-13. Thank god 20th Century Fox decided to not only “nut up” on making the movie, but also in giving it an R-rating.


Despite the two misfires in the world of comic-book movies of Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds looks poised to breathe new life into his career with the upcoming Deadpool movie and if reaction to the recent trailer is any indication, he already has the backing of his fans as he moves forward.

Tell us, do you think Deadpool will revive Ryan Reynolds’ career? Sound off below!