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6 Brutal Fight Scenes That Will Make You Cringe

Have you ever punched anyone in the face? I know that seems like a very Fight Club-ish way to open this article, but it is a fair question for the territory we are about to tread in.

Jared Leto Beatdown – Fight Club

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They called Jared Leto Angel Face here because of how, well, angelic he looked in Fight Club. With his perfect blonde hair and flawless complexion, he was the pretty one among a bunch of social miscreants (who at least looked the part). But at one point, “narrator,” or “Jack,” realizes that Tyler Durden is taking quite a shining to Angel Face. As you know, Tyler and Jack are quite close, so this makes Jack a little frenzied with jealousy. Jack just can’t wait to get his hands on Angel Face.

What starts out as a typical Fight Club brawl slowly turns into something else, as you can see Jack is not doing this for the rush of it. He wants to hurt Angel Face. He wants to hurt him badly. In his own (brilliant) words: “I wanted to destroy something beautiful.” You hear this during a scene where Jack is literally just in the throes of beating this dude to the toothless, mangled mess you see above. It is a visceral fight in a movie filled with them. Just watch the reaction of the spectators in that scene, as they slowly become horrified at Jack’s action.

What is crazy is, Angel Face stays committed to Jack’s cause, even after almost being beaten to death by him.