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6 Captain America: Civil War Questions That Avengers: Age Of Ultron Left Us

4) Will We See A Vision/Scarlet Witch Romance?

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Age of Ultron contains a very subtle hint of a future romance between Scarlet Witch and the Vision, as the newborn android whisks the new Avenger to safety during the climactic Sokovia battle. It probably means nothing to casual audiences, but comic book readers know that it may be a seed that blossoms into the full-blown romance that the two share in the comics.

Will moviegoers accept such a romance if it were to unfold on screen? The Vision has emerged as an audience favorite, meaning that people have already accepted him for what he is. Adding a romance on top of his already high-concept existence probably wouldn’t do too much damage and could actually add some depth to his character by showing his conflicting human and robotic sides. Hell, if people were accepting of a Hulk/Black Widow pairing, then why couldn’t this work?