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6 Captain America: Civil War Questions That Avengers: Age Of Ultron Left Us

2) Will Destruction In Age Of Ultron Act As A Civil War Catalyst?

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Age of Ultron

We know that the catalyst for Civil War will be the initiation of the Superhero Registration Act, which causes the Avengers to split into two factions as Tony Stark and Steve Rogers stand on opposite sides of the issue. What we don’t know is what causes the law to go into motion in the first place, though one viewing of Age of Ultron provides quite a few clues.

Like Man of Steel, Age of Ultron features a lot of collateral damage at the hands of the titular heroes. And, like Man of Steel‘s sequel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War will deal with the fallout and aftermath of that destruction head on.

Judging by what’s been happening in the MCU for the last few installments, the world probably isn’t happy with the Avengers and feels threatened by the sudden emergence of powerful threats and devastating superhero battles. The Invasion of New York, the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hulk’s rampage in Africa and Sokovia’s destruction are all big, world-changing events that force ordinary citizens to ask tough questions of those who’ve sworn to protect them. So, really, it’s inevitable that the world’s governments would take action.

Hulk’s African rampage could also be part of what draws Black Panther into the fray; the Avengers were close to Wakanda at the time (while on the hunt for Ulysses Klaw and his vibranium), so could T’Challa come out of the woodwork because they brought the fight so close to home?