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6 Captain America: Civil War Questions That Avengers: Age Of Ultron Left Us

1) Which Sides Do The Avengers Choose?

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The biggest question about Civil War is not what causes the big rift in the team, but what factions the Avengers will divide into once it happens. At the end of Age of Ultron, the team roster had shifted dramatically, as Cap and Black Widow are the only two original members still active. Tony Stark has unplugged himself from the Iron Man suit (for now), Thor has returned to Asgard (where he’ll likely stay while Civil War takes place, as he prepares for Thor: Ragnarok), Hawkeye has gone back to his family and the Hulk is on the lam.

In their place are the Vision, Scarlet Witch, War Machine and Falcon. Once Cap and Iron man face off, however, who will join who? Black Widow will likely stay loyal to Cap, as will Falcon, but Rhodey (an officer in the military, mind you) will probably take Tony’s side. Hawkeye, Vision and Scarlet Witch are wildcards, as is Black Panther, who will make his debut in Civil War (and will reportedly face off with Hawkeye, meaning they’re probably not on the same side).

Since Age of Ultron ends on a bit of a happy note, it’s anyone’s guess as to which sides our Avengers will choose once the chips fall. And if the other 11 films in Marvel’s library are any indication, we’re in for quite a few surprises when Civil War hits theaters on May 6th, 2016.