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6 Genuinely Scary Movie Scenes

It's fun to be scared. No, really, it is one of the few emotions that remind us we still have a heartbeat. That feeling of anxiousness growing in your chest when you know something f*cked up is about to happen in a movie is the same feeling you get when that massive roller coaster you are on is slowly climbing up to its first drop. You know it's coming, you know it is going to be intense, but you also know there is nothing you can do but buckle in and enjoy the ride.

3) Martyrs – The Bathroom Scene

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You didn’t think I was just going to fill the list with classics, did you? Oh no, there is modern horror that is still scary. Just, more often than not, it comes from somewhere other than America. This is not to insult American screenwriters or directors. Rather, it’s more because of the higher ups in Hollywood who force some genuinely sick minds to water down their material for mass consumption, and that problem has not yet touched other shores.

I knew I had to have Martyrs on this list somewhere, but the problem was, most of the film is not so much scary as it is unsettling and brutal. Then, I remembered the beginning of the movie, and how creepy it was before we knew what was going on.

So, what really stuck out to me? The bathroom scene.

At this point in the film (slight spoiler alert), I had no idea if Lucie’s demon was literal or not, so seeing this twisted, terrifying beast pursuing this girl while she was alone in the bathroom was, in my opinion, terrifying.

You can check it out for yourself in the video below to see what I’m talking about.