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6 Genuinely Scary Movie Scenes

It's fun to be scared. No, really, it is one of the few emotions that remind us we still have a heartbeat. That feeling of anxiousness growing in your chest when you know something f*cked up is about to happen in a movie is the same feeling you get when that massive roller coaster you are on is slowly climbing up to its first drop. You know it's coming, you know it is going to be intense, but you also know there is nothing you can do but buckle in and enjoy the ride.

4) Who Framed Roger Rabbit – Judge Doom Final Reveal

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Oh man, I am going to get shit for this. I just went from Martyrs, one of the most EXTREME horror films ever made, to a half cartoon movie by Disney. But let’s be real for a second here, Disney knows how to scare people. They have always been amazingly effective at creating villains that we all love and fear. However, when they created Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit, I don’t think they realized just how many people (especially kids who went into it thinking it was somewhat safe) were messed up by the final reveal.

From the red eyes to the way he brags about killing Eddie Valient’s brother to the freakish way his voice keeps climbing higher and higher, it is a surprisingly scary moment in an otherwise…ah, who am I kidding. Disney is mad fucked up and knew just what they were doing. Huge props to Christopher Lloyd as well, who just went all-in on the bat shit scariness of this character.

Some may scoff that this movie is on the list, but that’s okay. This shit was scary, and I like tossing curveballs. You should know that about me by now.