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6 Movies For People Who Hate The Holidays

The holidays suck. I know I'm starting this article off with a jump kick of an opinion, but they really do. We run around like insane people, going from house to house, visiting people who we feel obligated to visit (usually once a year) and we all spend too much and eat too much. Also, the consumerist angle of it is exasperating. We all start the new year stressed out because we had to buy things for people we love. WHY? No one really knows, but between that and the driving and the hosting of parties and the blah blah blah, we end the holiday season wishing for the sweet release of death. Well, at least I do.


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I know what many of you are thinking right now. But Remy, he has a change of heart! How can you say that Scrooged is a movie for people who hate holidays when it is just a retelling of A Christmas Carol, which is the most beloved Christmas story of all time? Well, my reasoning is simple, really.

For 90% of this movie, Bill Murray hates Christmas, and hates it with a zest and snarkiness that only Bill “fucking” Murray can bring to the screen. I mean, just look at the above photo. Have you ever seen “fuck you Christmas” more astutely summed up? From the look on his face, to the literal “brushing off” of the holiday, that screen capture pretty much says it all (and says it perfectly).

Now to properly address his change of heart at the end of the movie and how that should keep this movie off the list, how about we look at it like this? This character is extremely bipolar. He’s a manic depressive who was having a depressive episode on Christmas eve, had an insane dream (OR DID HE?!) and woke up more manic. You look at it like that, and it stays pretty tragic (and still pretty awesome) because we all secretly know he (and ALL versions of Scrooge) went back to being total assbags the day after Christmas.

Like most people do.