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6 Pleasantly Surprising Things About Silver Linings Playbook

If there’s a dark horse with a real chance in this year’s Oscar race, it might just be Silver Linings Playbook. Now everyone’s saying it’s going to be Argo because everyone loves Ben Affleck all of a sudden, or rather they always loved him and found all the hatred to be just SO UNFAIR and now that he has done things that aren’t absolutely terrible we’re therefore going to give him every award there is to give a person. There are some who contend that Lincoln is still the pick to beat because it has the most nominations, it has the Spielberg factor, it has the Daniel Day-Lewis thing, and it has the topical advocacy aspect that if only government acted this way Obama would be able to save the country like Honest Abe did way back when. Hollywood has a tendency for delusions of grandeur. The delusions portrayed in Silver Linings Playbook, though, are one of the many charms about the movie that help maintain its place in the awards conversations.

[h2]3: Jennifer Lawrence Has Staying Power[/h2]

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She first caught the attention of moviegoers in 2010 with Winter’s Bone because she was able to pull off this young country girl who was a total badass in taking care of her family. Then her huge break came when she landed the role of Katniss Everdeen in the now insanely popular Hunger Games. The thing is, she was playing a very similar type to the role she played in Winter’s Bone: a young person in a relatively impoverished situation trying to look after her family in the absence of deadbeat parents, occasionally killing animals and eating them, and not taking crap from anyone in a position of authority.

Tiffany is very different, and Lawrence gets to make use of the same charisma that made Ree Dolly and Katniss so magnetic to a different effect in Silver Linings Playbook. She still speaks her mind to people meaning to talk down to her, but in this instance instead of doing so to provide for her sister, she’s just doing it because she’s a messed up girl looking to find her own peace of mind. Her previous work has also been considerably restrained—Ree and Katniss are characters who speak mostly through their actions and determination. Tiffany seems to be able to exude the kind of energy Jennifer Lawrence gives off in real life, which is nice to see.

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