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5 Trilogies That Fell Apart In Their Final Act

If you are going to make a movie trilogy, wouldn't you want the opus of that trilogy to be the final instalment? Wouldn't you make it your goal that the finale blew people's minds and had them walking away with their jaws agape? Of course you would.

The Matrix

X-Men: The Last Stand

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I know we have had other X-Men films since this one, but we all know X-Men: Last Stand as the ending of the original trilogy, and my God was it shitty, and not even in that “fun, summer movie, shitty” way. Just shitty. Shrimp masturbator Brett Ratner (trust me, click the link) decided the best way to wrap up this trilogy was by incorporating internet memes and killing off random characters for no reason. He also felt like it might be smart to add some new characters, and for the whole thing to be like a shepherd’s pie fashioned out of the meat and potatoes of miscarried babies.

But I digress. The handling of Dark Phoenix in this movie was one of the biggest comic book to movie faux-pas ever put on-screen. Even the ending, where Wolvie stabs her and it is all Shakespearean and tragic…..yeah, that is not accurate (nor does it work here). Leading up to that final moment, it genuinely felt like a movie that was thrown together as an almost “fuck you” to the two movies that came before it, which were much more respectful of the source material and fan base.

I’m pretty sure they called it The Last Stand because even the filmmakers knew that this piece of shit stood no chance. It was like Ratner WANTED to ruin the franchise.