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8 Disappointing Movies That Should Have Been Great

Is there anything worse than being disappointed by a movie? Think of the ones you waited patiently and eagerly for, only to discover that everything you imagined in your head hadn't made it up onto the screen. Like, at all. There are certain movies that had the odds weighed against them from the very start, and we're not going to be dealing with those here: think George Lucas territory, what with The Phantom Menace and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. You willed them to be amazing, of course, but you knew the chances of success were on the lower end of the spectrum: in those cases, George Lucas is a generally lousy filmmaker, and the hype machine was in maximum overdrive.

3) Prometheus (2012) (Dir. Ridley Scott)

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What We Thought Before: When the trailer for Prometheus hit the web, nobody could quite believe what they were seeing: it appeared as though the greatest sci-fi film ever had been created out of nowhere. And Ridley Scott back in the film genre he helped define in the 70s and 80s? Michael Fassbender playing an android? A film that looks to be both beautifully-detailed and intelligent-crafted? Oh My God.

What We Got: A fair and enjoyable space thriller that failed to explore its story with any intelligence. Prometheus shoots itself in the foot as it repeatedly chooses to ask questions it never even attempts to answer (Damon Lindleof, we’re sure that’s all you). And there are plot holes all over the place, not to mention a whole host of characters acting as if they don’t have a brain cell between them.

What They Should Have Done: Spent more time on the script. Picture how mind-blowing Prometheus could have been if the writing matched its awesome visuals. Failing that, get a time machine, go back and un-hire Damon Lindleof.

Redeeming Features: A visual masterpiece in every sense. The set design, costumes and SFX are genuinely superior.