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8 Disappointing Movies That Should Have Been Great

Is there anything worse than being disappointed by a movie? Think of the ones you waited patiently and eagerly for, only to discover that everything you imagined in your head hadn't made it up onto the screen. Like, at all. There are certain movies that had the odds weighed against them from the very start, and we're not going to be dealing with those here: think George Lucas territory, what with The Phantom Menace and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. You willed them to be amazing, of course, but you knew the chances of success were on the lower end of the spectrum: in those cases, George Lucas is a generally lousy filmmaker, and the hype machine was in maximum overdrive.

1) Public Enemies (2009) (Dir. Michael Mann) 

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What We Thought Before: Michael Mann doing a period gangster movie? With Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger? And Christian Bale as the obsessed agent on his tail? What could possibly go wrong?

What We Got: A somewhat boring, middling picture lacking an emotional heart and well-defined drama. The actors are taking the material dead seriously, but both Johnny Depp and Christian Bale come across as rather vague and unlikable. Mann’s decision to shoot in digital and HD is also ill-judged: the feeling of the 1930s is completely lost as a result. Even the action sequences seem un-Mann like. What should have been riveting, pulse-quickening entertainment is surprisingly mediocre despite its ambitious attempt to capture Dillinger’s life. So much so that it ultimately feels… well, pointless.


What They Should Have Done: Tightened the drama and found better emotional cues for Depp’s character. And Mann really should have shot this thing on film. Dillinger would have been better being more charismatic and not so bloody brooding. There are only so many handsome/melancholic Johnny Depp moments you can take in one movie.

Redeeming Features: Steven Graham is very good as Baby Face Nelson.

Which sure-to-be-brilliant movies disappointed you immensely upon their release? Which ones have we missed out? Let us know in the comments.