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7 Things That The MCU Can Learn From Thor: Ragnarok

Pay More Attention To The Villains

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Let’s just say that Hela is one of the MCU’s best villains to date. Naturally, this is aided by Cate Blanchett’s incredible talent, as well as screenwriters Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle, and Christopher Yost’s laudable treatment of the Goddess of Death.

The point is, the villain’s motives were clear from the get-go and there was a purpose to her actions. Hela’s relationships with Thor, Loki, and Odin were the meat and potatoes of the narrative, and her backstory also enabled us to find out more about other characters in the film. She wasn’t just a villain for the sake of needing an antagonist, but someone far larger and important to the legacy of Thor.

Additionally, this MCU villain wasn’t defeated in a silly manner (like a dance-off) and there was a lot of sacrifice needed to overcome here (such as the destruction of Asgard and Thor losing an eye). She was formidable and provided a proper threat to the heroes. Look, not every villain will be a smash-hit like Hela, but this level of high-quality antagonism should be what filmmakers strive for in future projects.