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7 Movie Trailers That Had Us All Fooled

While trailers are usually great pieces of marketing, very often they can mislead us. Here are 7 instances of that.

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Drive Was Not A New Instalment In The Fast And Furious Franchise

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I’ll be the first to admit that I love Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive. It’s a brilliant film, and one of my favorites. But you can’t tell me that the trailer, and the marketing overall, was not misleading. While not completely devoid of any action or thrills, Drive was by no means the Ryan Gosling-led Fast and Furious clone that the previews made it out to be. Unlike that high-octane, adrenaline pumping franchise where the action is constant throughout the entire movie, Drive is simply punctuated by brief, albeit effective, bouts of violence and action.

Again, I love Drive, I really do, but it’s a far more artistic movie than what we were led to initially believe. Those who were familiar with Refn’s previous work probably already knew this going in, but those who hadn’t seen any of the director’s other films were no doubt in for a surprise. A pleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.