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7 Films With Terrible Stories That Were Saved By Great Directing

We all know making a movie is tough. It takes blood, sweat and tears and a crap ton of money spent on the gamble that it will do well. If it doesn't, fingers are pointed everywhere, from the director to the screenwriter, and even the critics who "don't understand what the movie actually was."

3) Avatar

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I’m sure you all saw this one coming. The highest-grossing movie of all time – unadjusted for inflation – was truly a cinematic experience. I ended up journeying into the world of Pandora three times in theaters, which I hadn’t done for any movie up until then.

But when you strip away the visuals and when you take away Pandora, what’s left is basically Pocahontas or Tarzan. The movie was incredibly predictable until the very end, when Jake opened his eyes and the screen went black.

Sure, the world that Cameron built was mesmerizing and in a sci-fi movie, that’s the most important thing, but the use of the world was very bland – and the hair tentacles were just weird. Not much else to say on Avatar, but kudos to James Cameron for building this epic of a movie though, no matter how cliche the story ultimately was.

Here’s hoping that the sequel will have a plot that’s a bit more engaging.