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7 Important Things That 2017’s Comic Book Movies Taught Us

We’re Sick Of CGI Villains

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We won’t say that this is something purely discovered this year, as it’s been coming for a while now, but the audiences are growing tired of CGI villains. If you look at the biggest complaints of superhero films in the past two years especially, it’s revolved around the usage of a big CGI villain in the third act. Sometimes, the effects are so bad that you don’t know if you’re watching a movie or playing a video game. It’s simply become too much and needs to stop, pronto.

While special effects and over-the-top characters are part and parcel of comic book movies, we’re clamoring for more real and grounded villains to relate to. The whole giant energy beam in the sky angle is becoming a weary trope – and it’s time for change.

How about we forget about the intergalactic threats and find us some of the Earth’s finest rogues instead? There are many of them waiting for their chance to shine – and actors who need the work – so why are we still bothering with CGI antagonists?