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7 Important Things That 2017’s Comic Book Movies Taught Us

There’s Room For Something Else Besides The Marvel Formula

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If you look at Logan, the film has no right to work in 2017. It’s a dark, gritty, R-rated affair that doesn’t pander to the general audience – and it’s certainly not as fun as some of the other X-Men movies.

What it is, though, is an exceptional motion picture. It breaks the mold of what a comic book movie should be. Yes, it’s based on a superhero, but it would be a powerful and relatable story even without the superhero element. It isn’t generic or cookie-cutter in the slightest, as it aims to tell the best narrative possible and break boundaries while doing so.

There’s a belief that in order to be successful a comic book movie needs to follow the Marvel formula of fun and humor, but Logan and Wonder Woman showed us this isn’t always the case. There’s a place for different kinds of superhero films and studios need to start trusting and encouraging their filmmakers to do something different. This, we believe, will be the key to keeping this genre alive for many years to come.

Tell us, what did you learn from this year’s comic book movie slate? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.