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7 Ways In Which Avengers: Age Of Ultron Has Changed The MCU Forever

Pity our American cousins for a moment. While the rest of the world have finally laid their eyes on the most anticipated movie since... well, the first Avengers, movie fanatics in the US still have to wait a whole extra week before they too can watch Age of Ultron in all of its action packed glory.

5) …Civil War

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Although the events of Civil War will occur in the next Captain America sequel, the sheer volume of heroes involved will ultimately make the movie seem more like Avengers 2.5 than anything else, so it’s fitting that the seeds have been sown first in Age of Ultron.

For those not in the know, Civil War was one of Marvel’s most popular crossover events in recent years, pitting fan favourites against one another according to whether they agreed to sign up to government controlled sanctions or not. The opposing sides were led by Captain America and Iron Man, eventually leading to all-scale war between the Marvel heroes.


We already knew Civil War was on the horizon due to the title of Captain America’s next ‘solo’ outing, but Age of Ultron is where the battle really begins. After Tony Stark inadvertently creates the evil Ultron, his teammates question why the project was kept a secret from them and the Scarlet Witch’s mind meddling only makes matters worse.

In a build up to future events, it’s Captain America who takes Stark’s ‘betrayal’ most personally and the two clash regularly throughout Age of Ultron. While both teammates eventually reconcile by the film’s end, the seeds of dissent have now been sown and it will take very little to provoke further conflict between the two in the near future.