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7 Ways In Which Avengers: Age Of Ultron Has Changed The MCU Forever

Pity our American cousins for a moment. While the rest of the world have finally laid their eyes on the most anticipated movie since... well, the first Avengers, movie fanatics in the US still have to wait a whole extra week before they too can watch Age of Ultron in all of its action packed glory.

3) The Vision

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What’s particularly interesting about the Vision’s movie adaptation though is how the writers have incorporated an infinity gem into his arsenal, diverging from the solar stone typically used in the comics. This deliberate move implies that the Vision will play a larger role in the coming Infinity War than previously expected, making him perhaps the most important Avenger of all. What this role entails is unclear at present, but it seems extremely unlikely that Thanos will allow The Vision to hold onto the Soul Gem for long, especially with a target that important placed literally on his head.

While we’re making predictions here, the fact that The Vision was the one who rescues the Scarlet Witch in Age of Ultron could also become significant later down the line, as the two eventually marry in the comics and even bear children together… well, sort of. The destinies of these two new Avengers are inextricably linked and it’s likely that the development of their relationship could have a huge impact on the MCU later down the line, that is, if audiences can stomach a bizarre robot/human relationship in their summer blockbusters.

Hell, if viewers can accept that a thunder god would ever choose someone as bland as Jane Foster, then the Scarlet Witch and The Vision should have no problems.