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7 Ways In Which Avengers: Age Of Ultron Has Changed The MCU Forever

Pity our American cousins for a moment. While the rest of the world have finally laid their eyes on the most anticipated movie since... well, the first Avengers, movie fanatics in the US still have to wait a whole extra week before they too can watch Age of Ultron in all of its action packed glory.

1) New Avengers

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The Avengers

As much as we didn’t want to believe it, deep down, we all knew that the current Avengers lineup wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, some of our favourite actors would just want to move on. Its a harsh fact of life, one that will probably prompt a billion angry and slightly psychotic rants on message boards all over the net, but it’s going to happen, regardless of what we think or say.

At the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man has seemingly retired, Hulk has run away, Hawkeye is enjoying family life and Thor has left Earth on a hunt for the remaining Infinity Gems. Despite this change in the status quo, it’s all but guaranteed that each of these heroes will return in some capacity for Avengers: Infinity War. What we’re left with though at the end of Age of Ultron is a very different roster, consisting of new members Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon and War Machine, all under the combined leadership of Captain America and Black Widow.

The Avengers are the lynchpin of the MCU, literally everything revolves around this core super group, so Whedon’s drastic changes to the lineup will have repercussions throughout the entirety of phase three, including Civil War and Infinity War.

With the addition of even more new heroes in the coming years, including Dr Strange, Ant-Man, Ms. Marvel, Black Panther AND Spider-Man, it’s extremely likely that the old guard will soon be shunted aside completely in favour of a brand new super team. While this is completely normal in the realm of comics, such a monumental reshuffling of superheroes is practically unheard of in cinemas, so it will be interesting to see how fans adjust to the oncoming changes.

Will casual cinema-goers still care about the Avengers when big names like Thor and Iron Man are no longer members? How many of these predictions will hold up once phase three is underway? And how do robot/human ‘relations’ work exactly? Feel free to discuss the answers to these questions in the comments section below and share the Avengers love!