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7 Ways That DC And Warner Bros. Are Screwing Up Their Cinematic Universe

5) Lack Of Patience

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Marvel spent several movies turning its collection of superhero properties into a viable shared universe. It took baby steps in setting up its MCU, with a total of five movies building up to The Avengers before the team-up movie finally arrived in 2012.

The DCEU, showing characteristic fidgetiness, has tried to run before it can walk, attempting to do what Marvel Studios did in two movies rather than five. After Man of Steel and Batman V Superman, the DC universe already has its own Avengers (the Justice League two-parter) on the way.


The overwhelming feeling is that Warner Bros/DC are rushing it. Though Man of Steel is an admirably self-contained story, BvS packs in multiple characters apparently merely so it can pave the way for Justice League. There will be two further DCEU movies in the interim (Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman), but in the grand scheme of things they’re unnecessary when Batman V Superman has already done all the work setting up the team-up movie.

After just two films, we already have all the Justice League characters on their way to forming a collective, before we even get to know most of them.