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7 Ways That DC And Warner Bros. Are Screwing Up Their Cinematic Universe

4) The Oppressively Dark Tone

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If the MCU has a tone, it’s a fairly lighthearted, family-friendly one. Marvel Studios’ movies are stubbornly fun and colorful, like comic books brought to life. It’s why it’s so easy to forgive the franchise when its flaws are showing.

The DCEU is taking a similar approach in that it appears to be going for a consistent vibe of its own. The problem is what that vibe actually is. Where the MCU is generally upbeat and entertaining, the DCEU so far seems to be wallowing in darkness.


The dour, serious tone that didn’t really work for Man of Steel (a grim and ‘gritty’ Superman movie? Really?) is even more oppressive in Batman V Superman, a film that takes itself far too seriously considering it’s about two superheroes having a punch-up.

Suicide Squad did appear to be heading down the same dark route, but Warner Bros./DC have opted to lighten things up with some humor. It’s probably for the best: if superhero movies are supposed to be about entertainment, the DCEU so far hasn’t been fulfilling its obligations.