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7 Ways That DC And Warner Bros. Are Screwing Up Their Cinematic Universe

2) Occasionally Questionable Casting

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If there’s one thing Marvel Studios gets consistently right, it’s the casting. From the leads and the supporting roles down to the cameos and bit-parts, Marvel is always bang-on with its actor choices. And in fairness, Warner Bros. also get it right most of the time for the DCEU. Many originally questioned whether Ben Affleck was the right fit for Batman, but in the end he proved to be a solid replacement for Christian Bale.


Which isn’t to say Warner Bros. has been right on casting 100% of the time. In fact, in some key roles, they’ve actually left a lot to be desired. The wooden Henry Cavill as Superman, an intensely irritating Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, a miscast Michael Shannon (and who on Earth manages to miscast Michael Shannon?) as General Zod? That’s without even mentioning the under-use of Oscar nominees Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne in both MoS and BvS. Where Marvel is almost always right on the money with its actors, it’s been a mixed bag in the DCEU so far.