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8 Oscar Nominees That Deserve To Win (But Will Definitely Lose)

Anybody who's read The Hollywood Reporter's annual Brutally Honest Oscar Ballots series will know that Academy Awards aren't always handed out based on merit. In fact, it's rare to find one of THR's secret Oscar voters voting based on quality; more often than not, a vote will be cast based on what the voter's peers are doing or whether or not they feel a candidate 'deserves' it. Sometimes voters make their decisions without even having watched the movies.

3) Best Original Screenplay

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Will win: Inside Out, or Spotlight, or Ex Machina

Should win: Bridge of Spies

Despite picking up some of the best reviews of the director’s later career, Steven Spielberg’s latest Bridge of Spies hasn’t had a great deal of love this awards season. Sure, the film’s picked up six Oscar nominations, but don’t be surprised if the Spies team go home completely empty-handed. This despite the screenplay, by Matt Charman and the Coen brothers, beingĀ one of the best of last year.

It’s difficult to predict who exactly will win the Best Original Screenplay Oscar at this point, but you can bet it’ll be between Inside Out and Spotlight (though Alex Garland’s Ex Machina could be a dark horse). Bridge of Spies, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be figuring in the race at all, even though Charman and particularly the Coens (their fingerprints are all over the film) turned a potentially rather dull project into something so vibrant and surprisingly amusing.