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8 Actors Who Could Play Norman Osborn In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Filming on Sony/Marvel collaboration Spider-Man: Homecoming is now under way, with the movie due to swing into cinemas next July. There are not too many things that have been 100% confirmed about the film as yet, but it is expected to pit Tom Holland’s Spidey against that winged terror The Vulture. This has been met with positivity from fans, as Vulture is a villain we have yet to see on the big screen. Unlike Norman Osborn, for instance, who has featured in four out of five of the previous Spider-films.

Norman Osborn

8) Michael Keaton

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While it is pretty unlikely that the many rumours suggesting Michael Keaton is playing the Vulture are untrue, let’s just imagine for a moment that they are. It would be an amazing bit of misdirection from Marvel if everyone thought Keaton was playing a minor villain like Vulture when actually he had been cast as Spidey’s big bad.

First of all, the weight of Keaton’s most famous role would make him an irresistibly fun choice to play Norman Osborn. Batman and Spider-Man are arguably Marvel and DC’s biggest properties and often have to compete at the box office. Having an actor who previously played the Dark Knight as Peter Parker’s nemesis would have a delicious subtext to it.

With prior experience of portraying dual identities, Keaton could also handle the split personality of the respectable businessman/costumed supervillain very well.