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8 Actors Who Were Sadly Wasted In X-Men Movies

The X-Men franchise has always managed to nab high quality performers, from proper thespians like Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in the original trilogy to younger, upcoming talent like Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy in the prequel films.

7) Omar Sy

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Neither actor Omar Sy nor Bishop, the character he played in X-Men Days of Future Past, are particularly big names, but they both had a lot of potential that was mostly squandered in the film.

Bishop is generally depicted as a time traveller in the comics, and is actually the star of a Days of Future Past adaptation in X-Men: The Animated Series. His role in the movie version could have been great, then, but in the end he merely stands around looking intimidating.

As for Sy, he showed his talent in 2011’s Intouchables, a French movie that hit it big internationally. On the back of that, he has nabbed roles in Hollywood blockbusters like Jurassic World. Unfortunately, his part in Future Past didn’t give him very much to do.

6) Oscar Isaac


When Oscar Isaac was cast as the iconic comic book villain Apocalypse in the closer to the X-Men prequel trilogy, it seemed like an inspired bit of casting. If anyone could bring some humanity to such a thoroughly nasty villain, it was Isaac – who had shown his range in Inside Llewyn Davies, Ex Machina and The Force Awakens.

Unfortunately, whether you like the divisive X-Men: Apocalypse or not, it can’t really be argued that Apocalypse was a particularly layered character. A formidable foe he might have been, leaving Isaac to stand around dressed as a certain Power Rangers villain and spout some generic portentous dialogue is a supreme waste of the talented actor’s abilities.