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8 Actors Who Were Sadly Wasted In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Across the 13 movies released under its banner so far, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has featured some of the crème de la crème of Hollywood acting talent. Apart from the lead actors who it has made into stars – Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt spring to mind – it has also managed to coax a lot of very big names into roles of various sizes and importance.

5) Glenn Close

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Guardians of the Galaxy has a fantastic ensemble cast, and it is a testament to the film’s embarrassment of riches that it features such a big name as Glenn Close and then does practically nothing with her.

Close appears sporadically throughout the film as Irani Rael AKA Nova Prime, the head of the Nova Corps space police who at first capture the Guardians before allying with them to stop Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar.

The actress appears in a bigger role than some others on this list, but she doesn’t get a lot more to do than simply spout exposition (with the odd one-liner). She will reprise the role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, though, so perhaps she’ll get a meatier part next time around.

Speaking of Ronan, Lee Pace (The Hobbit, Pushing Daisies) probably also deserved a better character than yet another alien warlord intent on destroying the universe – just saying.