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8 Comic Book Movie Moments That We’ll Never Forget

With Avengers: Age of Ultron coming up next month, fans are eagerly waiting to see what Marvel has in store for them. The studio is known for packing their films full of memorable moments that resonate with audiences long after they leave the theatre, and Ultron should be no different. In fact, the comic book movie genre as a whole is well known for providing scenes that stick with you for months, sometimes years after having seen the film.

3) Guardians of the Galaxy: Kyln Prison Break

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Rocket and Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy

Arguably the standout scene in a movie that is full of them, the Kyln Prison Break was the first time that we really get to see the Guardians come together as a team, and my god is it entertaining to watch. To be perfectly honest, it may be one of Marvel’s best scenes, ever.

Gamora and Drax deliver the action, as they kick-ass and take names, while the witty banter between Rocket, Groot and Quill (along with a great gag involving a fake leg) balances out all the chaos with some genuine laughter. Not only is it a wildly fun and exciting bit of cinema, but it introduces us to the Guardians as a team and almost instantly has us falling in love with them. Seriously, was anyone not rooting for these guys by the end of the prison break?

Of course, it’s all executed to perfection by director James Gunn, resulting in one of my favorite movie scenes of 2014, which is a sentiment that I’m sure many can agree with.