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8 Comic Book Movie Moments That We’ll Never Forget

With Avengers: Age of Ultron coming up next month, fans are eagerly waiting to see what Marvel has in store for them. The studio is known for packing their films full of memorable moments that resonate with audiences long after they leave the theatre, and Ultron should be no different. In fact, the comic book movie genre as a whole is well known for providing scenes that stick with you for months, sometimes years after having seen the film.

9) The Dark Knight: Interrogation

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After much taunting and instigating, Batman finally gets some hands on time with the Joker in what is one brutal and vicious, though immensely pleasing interrogation scene. Watching the Bat toss the Joker around the room like a ragdoll is so incredibly satisfying that you’ll want to rewind and watch the scene again as soon as it’s finished.

The best part, though, is the Joker’s resilience to Batman’s threats, showing that he is truly an adversary that can not be defeated. The Bat has strength but the Joker has his mind. He continuously messes around with the Caped Crusader’s head, making him angrier and angrier. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable scene to watch as the two polar opposites play off each other wonderfully.

It also really demonstrates their philosophical differences, truly showing us the dichotomy between the two and allowing us to see why they make for such great adversaries.

There’s a reason that Batman and The Joker are two of the most iconic comic book rivals, and this scene shows us exactly why.