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8 Comic Book Movie Moments That We’ll Never Forget

With Avengers: Age of Ultron coming up next month, fans are eagerly waiting to see what Marvel has in store for them. The studio is known for packing their films full of memorable moments that resonate with audiences long after they leave the theatre, and Ultron should be no different. In fact, the comic book movie genre as a whole is well known for providing scenes that stick with you for months, sometimes years after having seen the film.

5) The Avengers: Battle of New York

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To this day, we have still yet to see a battle in a comic book movie that’s as epic and big in scale as this one. Not only does the entire team come together to fight off Loki and the Chitauri, but Whedon masterfully executes the battle, ensuring that we never lose our heroes amidst the chaos and that they all get a chance to shine.

Throughout the 30 or so minute sequence, we watch as New York is ravaged, with catastrophic destruction occurring all over the place. It would be easy for Whedon to lose us in the heat of the action, but instead, he brings us from one Avengers to the next, as we watch them each using their particular skill to protect the city. The visuals are impressive, the execution flawless and as the climax to one of the biggest blockbusters of all-time, it was pretty much perfect.