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8 Comic Book Movie Moments That We’ll Never Forget

With Avengers: Age of Ultron coming up next month, fans are eagerly waiting to see what Marvel has in store for them. The studio is known for packing their films full of memorable moments that resonate with audiences long after they leave the theatre, and Ultron should be no different. In fact, the comic book movie genre as a whole is well known for providing scenes that stick with you for months, sometimes years after having seen the film.

6) 300: Any Fight Scene

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Ok, I may be cheating a bit here, but it really is difficult to choose just one fight scene from Zack Snyder’s epic, blood-soaked adaptation of 300. The hyper-stylized, slow-mo, over-the-top and downright insane action in this movie is what made it standout back in 2007, and to this day, though many have tried, very few films have been able to capture fight scenes quite like the ones here.

The visuals are simply outstanding and whether it’s a spear to the chest or a blade to the head, each kill is visceral and hard-hitting, leaving you with a shot of adrenaline that will have you rooting for these brave warriors throughout the entire film.