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8 Characters That Donald Glover Could Be Playing In Spider-Man: Homecoming

Who could Donald Glover be playing in Spider-Man: Homecoming? We're not quite sure just yet, but here are 8 characters who might fit the bill.

8) Miles Morales

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Miles Morales

Something we didn’t mention on the previous page is the fact that, though he didn’t get the part in the movies, Donald Glover did actually end up playing Spider-Man at one point. In the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series he voiced Miles Morales, the half-Hispanic, half-African-American Spider-Man from another universe.

Now that it’s been announced he’s appearing in Homecoming, it’s got fans thinking that perhaps Glover is reprising that role in live-action. On the face of it, this sadly seems unlikely. Morales is typically depicted as about 14 years old, while Glover is now in his 30s. Of course, the movie could have swapped the usual story around, so that Miles is an older Spider-Man who mentors the younger Peter, but we don’t think that’s what they’re doing.

While Glover playing Miles in the movie does seem unlikely, it isn’t totally impossible. After all, you never know what’ll happen in the crazy world of Marvel.